Cost Estimate and Payment

Use Our Calculator for an Instant Job Estimate

Get an instant quote with our job estimate calculator. You can pay online via Gcash, Paypal, credit or debit card.

You can take a screenshot of the estimate or download the Excel form by clicking the download button (4th from the right of the black bar) and attach it to the payment form below.

IMPT note on PEST Control:

Price is subject to change depending on severity of infestation which will be determined by the technician during the onsite inspection.

Payment Form

Please upload a screenshot or the Excel file of the quote estimate above. Allowed types are .png, .gif, .jpg, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf
Please state the total estimate of the job you require. Kindly take note that the downpayment field will appear below if it meets the minimum amt according to area.

After payment, please book your preferred schedule online.